No.1 Minimalist Travel Hack what is the No.1 minimalist travel hack?
It's highly likely that you have read a lot about fancy packing cubes and uber-efficient ways to pack more into your bags, cramming more stuff into the same space.
You've probably also been told that all items you pack should be multi-purpose, like a swiss army knife, giving you the opportunity to pack one item and get at at least twice the benefit from your clever packing.
...what do you think the No.1 minimalist travel hack is?
...drum roll please...
Buy a smaller bag!
Yep, that's it, buy a smaller bag.
BUT you say (and it is a big BUT) what about my fancy packing cubes, what about my swiss army knife packing choices - aren't they good ideas?
Well, yes, they are all good ideas, and we would definitely recommend using that advice, but the No.1 minimalist travel hack will make sure you only pack what you really need. It will force you to make those uncomfortable decisions that we all avoid - should I pack the blue t-shirt and the red one? - you have room for two?
- No...
- then you're not going to pack the extra one are you.
This one piece of advice will influence your packing routine forever and lead to the true minimalist "holy grail" of one bag for any trip.
...and there's a double bonus!
What? or should I say WHAAAATTT - a double bonus? - what could that be?
Well, I'll tell you in the next blog post...